Wednesday, August 11, 2010

"I don't like the space walk. It's Saturday morning and I want to see cartoons."

Compare children's Saturday morning experiences today with those of 40 years ago.

Why would this scenario be highly unlikely today, considering the viewing options available? have TV's changed much since then?

How do the magazines on the table represent middle-class subrubia's reading preferences at that time? Do you still subscribe to any of these magazines?

What do you know (remember) about the flight of Apollo 15 (as shown on the TV set)? Considering the magnitude of this technological feat, why aren't the children more interested?


  1. I personally think it is amazing where we have come from. The television is now the centerpeice of many rooms, as opposed to the object in the corner.

  2. This exhibit is just a lot of fun. For me, as a high school student, I like to look back and see how things were. These pictures make me laugh and sometimes I wish I could've lived back then. I love this though.

  3. My girlfriend and I enjoyed your exihibit. Our favorite was the kid who ate lots of Halloween candy. Great. Classic. Fantastic.

  4. "My Dad thinks it's a good idea to take off all the leaves off the tree. I think he's crazy."
    I agree.
